Congested tissue can cause poor circulation, you'll note that areas prone to dimpling, lumps and bulges are often cool to the touch. Lymphatic flow may also be restricted by lack of movement.  Additionally the anatomical structure of fatty tissue in the hip, thigh and buttock area, as well as genetics, hormones and lifestyle all contribute to the dimpled  "look" of Cellulite




Why Do I Have Dimpling, Lumps and Bulges?


Where Does This Technique Come From?



The treatment is a specific blend of massage modalities that derive from physical therapy, including deep Lymphatic Massage and Myofascial Massage.  It was created by Charles W. Wiltsie III, B.S., LMT, and internationally recognized massage therapy educator and therapist.  Mr. Wiltsie conducted a year long study of 100 female subjects that documented the effectiveness of the technique, which was published is Massage and Bodywork Magazine in 1999.  Follow up research was done in Belgium with positive results published in Healthy Aging Magazine and then again in Dermascope Magazine.  In the original study the average person lost almost 6.75 inched between the navel and the mid-thigh...with the loss per thigh of almost 1.5 inches over six week's time.


How Does It Work and Is It Safe?

Lypossage®  facilitates the cleansing  of stagnant, stalled lymphatic fluid (Lymphcongestion) that can create lumps and bulges we know as figure imbalance.  The deeper Lypossage® strokes break up adhesions under the skin that can contribute to the dimpled, uneven appearance of cellulite.  Lypossage® Massage Therapy also tones the muscles, lifting and firming sagging tissue.



Lypossage® is a non-invasive, natural health treatment that helps to cleanse the body of toxins and retained fluids.  Most clients find that Lypossage® improves their energy and mental clarity.  While there are some contraindications for specific medical conditions, Lypossage® can be safely experienced by most healthy individuals.  It is much safer than surgical procedures, however for those who opt for the more dramatic surgical result, Lypossage® can be very beneficial before and after the liposuction experience.




Lypotherapists (CLt.) are specially trained massage and body professionals who have learned this extraordinary hands-on or machine based technique and are certified to practice under the Lypossage® name.

